Workplace mediation is here for businesses in London. Mediation is used by all kinds of employers to resolve conflict in the workplace, something which has been increasing in recent years. Undertaking workplace mediation benefits your staff and your business.
People caught up in conflict are sometimes reluctant to try mediation. This could be because they feel things have gone too far or the other person won’t participate. Because Concord Conflict Solutions is independent of the employer we can explain the process and its benefits to potential participants and help them think through their options in an impartial way. The result is people who may not have been keen to engage previously will take the opportunity.
Our workplace mediation in London is delivered by qualified and experienced practitioners. We mediate effectively online or in-person to meet the needs of participants.
We also offer a 1:1 session in situations where mediation is not possible, for example where the offer of mediation is declined. In addition, we can help clients identify solos strategies for improving the situation.
Why Concord Conflict Solutions?
We always co-mediate our cases, unlike many other practices, offering excellent value for money. Working effectively as a pair we combine our skills and attention to give stronger, more responsive support to participants than lone mediators. The consequence is an improved likelihood of a positive, lasting outcome.
We take a pragmatic approach to our work and recognise that workplace mediation doesn’t happen in a vacuum. We aim to ensure that it always makes a positive contribution to the overall handling of an issue.
Our ethos is to deliver professional and practical workplace mediation in London. We abide by the European Code of Conduct for Mediators and the College of Mediators’ Code of Practice which includes the requirement to hold professional indemnity insurance.
We are enthusiastic advocates of mediation but we won’t mediate if we feel it is not suitable for the circumstances. You are welcome to contact us to discuss your workplace mediation needs without obligation.